Celebrations Live
Mekimi has developed its own portable video broadcasting system. Employing advanced technology, it operates via broadband, to allow viewing an event from any computer. Featuring instant setup on site, the patient then enjoys full control of the camera including pan zoom and tilt. We provide patients with loaner computers including broadband when needed.
A hospitalized mother of the bride stricken with cancer unable to attend her daughters wedding. Mekimi brought this most precious moment live. A child recovering from surgery in a hospital hundreds of miles away from his friends performing a play he was to partake in. Mekimi made him feel a part of it. A young girl rushed into treatment the day of her sisters wedding. Mekimi was in the hospital room that night, and so was the wedding.
Mekimi currently has a number of these systems ready to launch by our dedicated volunteers in moments notice. Demand is great and we are trying to make these available in as many of our locations as possible. The limit is only the amount of funds we have to purchase the systems and cover the monthly broadband costs.